John changed the passenger side tire on the trailer. Our original tire has a puncture in it.

Yesterday we ate cereal for breakfast, lunch was sandwiches and strawberries, and for dinner we had hot dogs, salad, and cookies.

I went to the grocery store with Grandma yesterday and met a man that was Grandpa’s friend. He was with Grandpa when he saw Grandma for the first time. Grandpa said then, “I’m going to get her before someone else does.”


We left Grandma’s today at 9:15am (local). She says she is sure going to miss us.

Our air conditioning has run out again.

We saw a “Falling Rock” sign but we didn’t see anywhere that rocks could possibly fall from. Just south of Cove, Arkansas.

We entered Texas at 12:46pm (local).

In Texarkana John refilled our air conditioning. We ate lunch in a car parts parking lot. We ate wraps and cookies. We also previously snacked on apples and grapes.

Arrived in Atlanta, Texas at 2:20pm (local). Kristina is impressed with the flashing stop signs. Red lights border the stop sign.

We spent the night at Dennis and Jean Gunn’s residence. They have a nice home. We had a barbeque with them and a student with her spouse. Dennis is the owner of The Hearing Aid Academy. The student came for a week from California to participate in a course. The Gunn’s are very hospitable. William and Douglas slept on the “magic carpet” in the living room. Kristina and April slept in the spare bedroom and felt like princesses. John and I slept in the master bedroom. It was very nice.

– Victoria