RoadTrip_9999_5We all had showers this morning. We ate cereal and strawberries for breakfast. After breakfast we drove out to the Hickory Grove Cemetery. It’s East on Highway 22 to Midway, then south on St. Louis Road (or boulevard) at Midway, AR. It was a dirt road that we travelled a ways on. We saw the graves of many relatives, such as her grandparents (Griffith).


Earlier, Grandma took William and I to the Post Office so he could mail a postcard to the Orthodontis. They want all of their patients to send one from their holiday travels.
For lunch, we at leftover salad, stir-fry, and sandwiches and grapes.

After lunch, we went shopping at Walmart. Then we drove around town taking picutres of houses and the scenery. we took pictures of the Post Office, the museum, the courthouse, the newspaper office, and various houses (nice or run down).

For dinner, Grandma made us Okra. Douglas finally tried it. I’m not sure if he likes it. John also made us spaghetti, creamed corn, and I made salad. It was good and we have a lot left over for lunch tomorrow.

After dinner, Grandma showed us more old pictures and so John took pictures of them so we’ll have a copy.

We ate watermelon and then watched a movie. The weather was cooler today. It even rained a little. It was about 89 deg. F

– Victoria