Had a pancake breakfast at the KOA: $3/person for all you can eat.  William had 8.  The record is 28.  April thinks you have to be insane to eat that many.  William was still hungry, but was getting sick of just pancakes.  The guy that makes them has been doing it for 21 years.  He made custom pancakes for Douglas and William: Spongebob Squarepants on a skateboard, Slam dunk basketball, Mt. Rushmore on a skateboard, a frog with a basketball, and a knight chess piece.

– John

We stopped at Wall, South Dakota, to see about “free water” as advertised on the billboards.  That’s how they entice tourists to this small town (pop. 818).  It has a block-long drugstore/museum/mini amusement park.  Oh, yeah – we didn’t find the free water.

– Victoria

12:06 – Filled up in Murdo, SD.  Saw an old-fashioned car perched on top of a building here.

– Kristina

RoadTrip_97602:38 pm – Stopped at Woonsocket to take a picture of a Catholic church.  They have a nice lake there.  Oh, we also saw a little frog!

2:58 pm – I saw 3 Llamas at the junction going on to highway 37 from 34.  I don’t think anyone else saw them.  45 minutes away from De Smet

Got kind of lost on the way to De Smet.  Luckily, a sheriff happened to drive by and was able to assist us.  Dad said it was an answer to a prayer that we hadn’t yet given.

– Kristina

Arrived in De Smet at 4:02 pm (5:02 Central)

7 pm – Stopped in De Smet to see a Laura Ingalls site.  There were a bunch of original buildings that we got to see things from their family in.  If you read the Little House on the Prairie series or watch the shows you can learn about them.  One of the buildings was an original of their house with super steep stairs.  We also ate dinner at a park across from the site.  We had a black bean wrap.


– William

7:51 pm – We are in Brookings.  We love the beautiful homes here!  The towns in South Dakota are so nice to look at.  They also have a huge, fancy brick bank.  No wonder this country is in debt!

Entered Minnesota at 8:17 pm just haver passing a dairy farm.


Camped at Tracy, Minnesota.  found the campground at 10:30pm central.  We were by a lake and a corn field.  It cost $8 and it had showers.  North on hwy 11 after Tracy and just before the airport.  We know this because we drove past it.  It was called Swift Lake Park.

We ate dinner in De Smet after we had the laura Ingalls Wilder tour.  We ate at the park across from the gift shop.  We ate wraps (black beans, deli meat, tomato, lettuce, cheese).  Then we drove until we found a campground closer to Walnut Grove, which was in Tracy.  We saw lots of corn fields and wind turbines.  John stopped to take a picture of the sunset over a corn field.  We didn’t notice the sign to say we were entering minnesota.


– Victoria