From Calgary Temple Groundbreaking

I was asked to volunteer as one of the official photographers for the groundbreaking of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint`s Calgary Temple. The LDS Church News and Calgary Herald articles explain what went on. My purpose was to take photographs, but I also had opportunity to marvel at the experience.

This was an exciting event for those in attendance because this new building means a great deal to Latter-day Saints in Calgary, both spiritually and physically. The nearest temples are in Cardston and Edmonton, so it will mean a significant convenience for members to have a local temple.

I was able to move freely around the front to get whatever angles I needed. There were 6 official photographers from among church members, plus at least one Calgary Herald photographer. In addition, it seemed most everyone in the congregation had a camera. The entire event was also being broadcast live to at least a half-dozen church meetinghouses scattered in and around Calgary. So, I tried to be considerate of both my fellow photographers and everyone else.

When shooting events, inquire of dress standards. This was a shirt and tie event. I wore an older suit that I didn’t mind getting dirty if I needed to get a low angle. Being the nature of groundbreaking ceremonies, we were in an open field with plenty of opportunity to get dusty.  Make sure you have something to clean your lenses with.

I took over 300 photos that day. I tried to cover everything: speakers, dignitaries, the size of the crowd, participants turning the sod, and of course, anything I thought was interesting. I used a telephoto most of the time and switched to a wide-angle lens for shots of the choir and the groundbreaking.

The hardest job is afterwards when you have to narrow down the set of photos to just 3 or 4 that you’ll submit to the article. There were only 2 photos chosen out of probably 2 dozen submitted. I would have been ecstatic to have had one of mine published. I’m just glad to have had a chance to participate.

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1 Comment on Calgary Temple

  1. Lynn says:

    John I was very happy to submit your name to the committee. And very glad that you were able to be there to see this historic event and capture it on camera for all time.

    Love your work.
