The exciting day finally arrived for Steven and Amanda. The wedding was simple and elegant, with a beautiful bride and bridesmaids.

We took the wedding party to Prince’s Island Park in downtown Calgary. We’ve had heavy smoke in Calgary from forest fires in B.C.. I was concerned about the effect of the smoke on the photos. Positioning the wedding party with their backs to the sun added a nice glow effect that minimized the problems with the smoke. It diffused the light nicely. Having such a beautiful park with a variety of features to work with makes it a great place to go. Many of the pedestrians were polite and I think they enjoyed watching us play.

I was accompanied by Chris Ratzlaff, who also got some amazing photos. We really worked well together and it was nice to have him focussed on getting more candid shots while I set up the group shots and formals. We were able to get really creative with the poses and the wedding party was very easy to work with.

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